再次請問8老師關於申請父母移民的問題。我知道要給爸媽分別填一份I-864表。現在我在填給我爸擔保的I-864表,但是我沒收入,要用老公的收入擔保。是不是在這種情況下,我和我老公被稱為joint sponsors? 現在I-864表裏有些選項比較令人confused. 請8老師指教:
Part 1. Basis for Filing Affidavit of Support
1.a. ( )I am the petitioner. I filed or am filing for the immigration of my relative.
1.d. ( )I am the only joint sponsor.
1.e. I am the ( )first ( ) the second of two joint sponsors.
Part 3. Information About the Immigrants You Are Sponsoring
1. I am sponsoring the principal immigrant named in Part 2. 要在"Yes"前麵打勾嗎?
( ) Yes ( ) No. (Applicable only if you are sponsoring family members in Part 3 as the second joint sponsor)
要在下麵 Item 2 打勾嗎?
2. ( ) I am sponsoring the following family members immigrating at the same time.
Family Member 1
3.a. Famiy Name (此處要寫我媽的姓嗎?)
3.b. Given Name (此處要寫我媽的名嗎?)
Part 5 Sponsor's Household Size
Item 1,2,3,4,6 填 1 嗎? (我們有一個小孩)
Item 8 填 5 嗎?
Part 6. Sponsor's Employment and Income (continued)
18.a. 裏麵的“You”是指我個人,還是指我的家庭的報稅情況?
20. 如果18.a.裏麵是指家庭報稅的話,那我第20題就不用打勾了吧?