律師把PERM準備好了,發來for review.
1. 在section 5 prevailing wage那一塊,occupation title 是financial manager, skill level III; 可是在H Job opportunity information (where work will be performed) 那一塊,Job title又變成了 international accountant. minimum education required is Bachelor's.
-It seems there is a problem in your form. The Occupation title does not have to be the same as the Job title, but the both should have the same responsibilities, e.g. Occupation title: Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary; Job tile: Assistant Porfessor of Biology. But in your form, Intnerenational accountant may not perform the management duties. Also, the job title has to be consistent with the job title in the advertisement for PERM position.
Discuss this issue with your lawyer and the employer carefully.
2. 在section J Alien information. Education:highest level achieved as required by the requested job opportunity. 選的是Master. 可是上麵不是說minimum bachelor嗎?
-Yes, both should be consistent, i.e. "Master's" or "Bachelor's", depends on the position requirement addressed in the job advertisement.
我真不希望這個PERM 被打回來。就因為這個job title折騰了整一年,DOL給打回來兩次,我的頭兒非要加那些manager的描述,唉,PERM 可不能再這麽折騰了