最近想給在國內的父母申請綠卡, 有些問題想請教下:
1.他們以前探親時簽的10年visa. 辦綠卡的話他們呆在國內 vs. 他們馬上來美探親, 兩者辦卡時間哪個更快呢?
-If they come to US after you file I-130 for them, they probably will not be allowed to enter US using B2 visa due to immigrant intent. So, they may just come to US, then you can sponsor their green card after they enter US for about 3 months later.
2. 父母年齡大,快80了會不會不好辦(移民局會不會覺得來了之後要提供看病等福利)
-It is irrelevant.
3. 我如果收入不多, 老公可以作為主申請人嗎?
-No, but your spouse can file I-864A together with your I-864, thus you can use his income to sponosr your parents.
4. 如果過段時間老公父母也要辦綠卡, 是不是會有影響(他一人申請4個老人來?)
-No problem as long as yopu have enough money.