8老師您好,我弟弟持F1 OPT, 持有工卡,OPT還有工卡還有一個月到期. 他因為急事上周回國。
請問老師: 1 他還能憑現在的工卡回美嗎?
-He needs to havew an vlaid F-1 visa to come back , but because his OPT will expire in about one month, it is very risky unless he has a H-1 approval notice in hand. The OPT EAD card is irrelevant to his travel.
2 他回國前的實習單位不肯再給他offer或者證明信,請問入境需要這個嗎?
-Yes, then probably he cannot get the F-1 visa in this case or has trouble to enter US.
-It is risky.