嶽父申請global entry 全球入境通, 拿了pre-approval 預約麵試。麵試時被拒了。通過翻譯嶽父說當時入境官說我嶽父拿綠卡不夠5年,而且他拿綠卡兩年多以來在美國住不多,不夠有永久居住權。(嶽父經常回國)嶽父通過翻譯跟他說了之前在國內需要照顧老人的原因。入境官說他們再研究研究,叫他回家等結果。但是還是取了十個手指指紋。昨天收到信了,果然拒了(denied)。 信中原因如下:
You have been found to have violated CBP laws, regulations, or other related laws:
- You do not meet the strict Trusted Traveler Program requirements. You have not established permanent residency since obtaining your resident card in 2013.
-No. Nothing you can do about it. By the way, if your father in law travels between US and China yoo often or stay in China a longer time each travel, he had better apply for reentry permit.