最近一個多月壓力非常大,也非常忙 (幹現在的工作 和 找工作, 擔心綠卡事宜,等等。 :) ).
1. 綠卡已經拿到了。就在五月初。
2. 新的工作最近也有眉目, 拿到至少一個offer.
但是有一個問題, 主要是我剛剛拿到綠卡就換工作, 是否會有麻煩。
我開始的情況是, 現雇主其實已經
terminated my employment already, but extended my exployment (like a contract) till later this year to complete the current project. This way they delayed the emplyment termination till later.
The condition is that I do have the choice to sign the termination agreement anytime from now till the extention expires.
So from what I understand is that it isn't that I voluntarily leave my current job, it is my current emplyer terminated my job first.
Therefore I don't think me quiting and joning a competitor now should be a problem.
請問8老師覺得我的想法對嗎? 非常感謝。