-You had bette not use the B-2 visa.
根據我原來對8老師回答這類問題的理解,這位先生/太太持有效的十年期B-2簽證,現在準備申請移民申請,在等待期間,應該可以用B-2來美國玩,然後按時回國繼續等候的,對?這和兄弟姐妹移民申請,同時申請人有B-2非移民簽證,在漫長的等待過程期間,移民申請人是可以用非移民簽證來美國旅遊的,對?為什麽這裏8老師的回答是“better not use the B-2 visa”, 有什麽consequence?
-It is possible.
為什麽有可能拒絕入境?是因為B-2 visa 持有者已經有移民申請的意圖?那如果是這樣,是不是意味著隻要你申請的移民申請(兄弟姐妹,父母,夫妻),不管你是否持有合法有效的非移民簽證,實際上持非移民簽證來美國有可能被在海關被拒絕入境?這些關係有些糊塗了。請8老師答疑,非常感謝!
-Sister/Brother of a US citizen takes a long time to get the immigtrant visa, so the VO or CBP Officer normally allows them to visit US temporarily as a visitor duirng about the 10 year waiting time. But the US citizen's parents do not need to wait, so their immigrant intent will be the big trouble to enter US as visitors if their child files I-130 for them when they are in China.