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回答: 再次請教8老師,謝謝!littleice2016-04-26 14:03:15


-No. The H-1 approval will have the H-1 I-94. If it does not it, then you need to go to China to get the H-1 visa as I memtioned before.

問題2:H1b先批準但沒有I94,這時withdraw F1,是不是從withdraw之日起就開始算非法居留了,因為新的H1B尚未激活,而F1 pending狀態也終止,所以沒有合法居留的身份了?

-Right. You have to leave US to get the H-1 visa in this case.


-If you want to be the F-1 student, you may not leave US during the F-1 pending. If you have to leave, then you can apply for an F-1 visa to come back (do not need care about the pedning F-1 application in this case).


-You may just go back to China together with your spouse, and then they apply for H-1/H-4 visa, and you apply for F-1 visa in this case Talk to your school International Student Office before you leave US if you want to apply for F-1 visa.

問題4:H1b先批準且有I94,需要withdraw F1申請,論壇查到說withdraw也是像正常申請流程一樣,從提交之日計起2.5個月才有結果!那我是否需要在收到新H1b受理的receipt number就馬上提出withdraw F1申請,還是等到拿到H1B的結果再withdraw F1(這兩種做法會有什麽區別呢)?

-If withdrawal of F-1 occurs before the H-1 is approved, your status will have a gap, and the H-1 approval will have no I-94.

問題5:記得F1申請時有說明如果受理期間出境則申請自動生效,如果先生拿到H1b+I94馬上跑去鄰近的溫哥華轉一圈,那還需要withdraw F1申請嗎?

-Technically, not need unless USCIS make a mistake (someitmes it happens).


-Get the new H-1 visa to come back unless you go to Canada or Mexico and return to US within 30 days. Bring all the H-1 visa application docuements with you.


事情有所進展了,繼續請教8老師,謝謝! -littleice- 給 littleice 發送悄悄話 (1292 bytes) () 06/08/2016 postreply 15:10:46
