-Your child can not apply for the US citizen before he turns 18 years old. So, unless you get your US citizednship before he turns 18 years, he has to file N-400 by himself after he turns 18 years old.
問題1) 他今年秋天上大學,INTERVIEW時間估計在學期中間.讓他曠課去INTERVIEW嗎?有沒有可能把INTERVIEW時間該到寒假?
-He does not need interview unless he files N-400 after he turns 18 years old. If you get your US citizenship before he turns 18, then he will automatically be a US citizen.
問題2) 看了看申請條件,其中之一要求年滿18歲男子有"Selective Service Registration."他現在不到18歲故不能Registration.但到輪到INTERVIEW時肯定又到18歲.怎麽辦呢?
-He needs to do the selective servic e registration after he turns 18 years old no matter whether he is a US citizen or is just a green card holder.