隻要OPT 不過期,是不是有沒有工作都可以合法待下來吧?不是說三個月內找不到工作就必須回國, 像有的人說的。
-You need to find a job within 3 months after your OPT is approved. OPT job can be full-time, part-time, volunteer, or job without pay as long as the job is related to your degree major.
隻要OPT 不過期,是不是有沒有工作都可以合法待下來吧?不是說三個月內找不到工作就必須回國, 像有的人說的。
-You need to find a job within 3 months after your OPT is approved. OPT job can be full-time, part-time, volunteer, or job without pay as long as the job is related to your degree major.
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