請問8老師: 律師在485上把我的英文名加在我的given name (中文名拚音)之後, 當時在產假中,急急忙忙趕去簽字沒注意到這個問題.現在我們的護著英文名就跟綠卡差著中間這個英文名.請問是該綠卡好呢還是護照加注好?
-Is your name in the green card official or do you want that name to be your official name? If no, you may file I-90 to USCIS for the repalcement of the green card with your correct name. If yes, you may get the name change certifcate and renew yoru passport.
去了領事館問, 說要我去法庭先改名再加注, 是這樣的嗎?