
回答: 還有問題請教8老師米粒兒2016-02-14 09:49:22

尊敬的8老師,申請父母填表等工作已接近尾聲了,正在複查各種填表及材料.填I-864時, 突然拿不準




or 1.b? 我的收入證明是最近2月的paycheck + employer verification letter. 我隻有今年的1099表,


-No. Self-employment means you get paid by yoursefl such as you has your own business/compnay, etc.

還是不用考慮那麽多就選1.a; 若是1.b那麽我的#2.current individual annual income 是否把時薪換算成年薪?

-Yes, etsimate your total salary for 12 months of 2016 which is consistent with yoru employment verification letter.

另外, I-131form, the traveling reason最好是寫一封信是嗎?

-No, just put it in the Part 4 1.a. of the I-131. But as requird in Part 7, you need to explain why you are qualifed for AP application, just say" My advance parole application is based on my pending I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status".

有沒有關於父母申請AP的Sample letter? 倆人可以是一樣的理由嗎?

