我的收入可以達到擔保的要求, 除了 provide the employment verification letter for salary之外 還要有銀行證明, 但不知道銀行要有多少可以達到要求? 加上房產證明, 沒有聯合擔保可以嗎?
-If your salary income is enough, you just need to provide the employment verification letter and copy of tax return with W-2.
尊敬的8老師, 我的情況可能有點麻煩, 我之前沒有工作,但和老公有聯合報稅,由於家庭變故, 我的三年的稅表沒什麽收入屬於貧困, 而我工作也才幾個月, 雖然收入可以達到擔保的要求.但目前是Contract工作, 也沒有W-2, employment letter也隻是我的時薪證明, 這樣的話我該如何提供擔保證明呢?
-The employment verification letter. You still need to provide the copy of your last year tax return (2015) even if you did not have inocme of 2015.
-Not hurt you to use this kind of proverty for the support,, and provide the statement of bank about your accounts. If you want use your house value for the support, you need to ask a related organization/company to estimate the market value of your house in cash, and provide this documents of the evaluation of your house (if you still have loan for the house, you need to minus the loan from the house value).
I-864P, 125% of HHS Poverty Guidelines 中人數所對應的金額就是最低擔保要求吧?