尊敬的8老師, 填I-130 partC #20. 是填中文的嗎?
-Right. If you can not type it, just use hand writing.
#22. USCIS office 是哪裏? or 是填我的城市嗎?
-Find the one near your area at this link:
I-485 part5 Applican' statement(check one)應該選哪一個1,2?
-Check "Each and every question and instruction on the form......"
-Put your name and information there, and sign it (you are the interpreter).
part6 是填我自己嗎?
-Leave this part blank because you are both the interpreter and preparer.
I-131 part7 是選trip一次好呢還是多次好?
-Put "multiple".