尊敬的8老師, 我正在給父母申請綠卡, 他們在美國.填i-131表時Part1是我的信息還是父母的信息?
-Your parent.
-Just put your address as your parents'.
Part2 是選1.d嗎?
In care of name 是填誰的名字?
-Leave it blank if you use your address as your parents'.
Part3 1,2沒定日期怎麽填?
-Just estimate a departure date (e.g. some day about 3 months later), and an expected length of trip (e.g. 330 days).
申請父母,Part4,5,6 跳過不填是嗎?
-Need to file out Part 4, and skip Part 5 and 6.
For signature:Part8 是父母簽名, 我應該填Part9嗎?
-Yes because you prepare this form for your parent.
我知道這些問題很簡單, 但我真的是拿不準, 還望8老師百忙中幫忙回答. 謝謝.