請教尊敬的8老師, 我想為我老婆辦理綠卡, 我持有綠卡6 年, 我老婆隻有B1/B2visa 現在即將來美國。她能夠在美國辦理綠卡嗎( B visa transfer to green card)?
-Unless you become a US citizen to sposor her green card, she has to keep a valid non-immigrant status until she files I-485 , and it is very difficult for her to keep her B-2 status for a couple of years. If she change B-2 to F-1, etc. bfore you file I-130 for her, then it will be fine for you to file I-130 and she can wait for the priority date to be current to file I-485 (you may not need to become a US citizen in this case).