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回答: 入籍麵試littlefox0072016-01-19 18:03:44

剛剛收到麵試通知,請問“you must bring: any evidence of selective service registration" 是什麽意思?

-If you are a male and were 18 to 26 years old when you got your green card, or you are between 18 and 26 now, you had/have to regsiter the selective service after you got green card, and you need to bring the proof of the selective service registration fr N-400 interview. The seletive servce means if the war occurs (e.g. world war III), US Goverment may ask you to join the army to fight.

 If you were > 26 at that time, then you may just ignore it. Explain to the IO if asked that you wre > 26 when you got the green card.

-Check the appointment notice.


thank you so much!!!! -littlefox007- 給 littlefox007 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 01/20/2016 postreply 16:35:33
