8老師,我H1B status 今年8月底過期,綠卡一切手續(包括指紋)都完成,但是一直在等著拿。如果6月底回國,估計綠卡還是拿不到(照現在這種進程看,拿到的可能性不大啊,priority date 2012年9月)。如果這樣回國申請h1b visa 會不會有問題。(employer 會在7月我回到美國時申請h1b 的extension)簽證官會不會允許給個7月中旬入境的visa?
-It should be fine. Just explain to teh VO or IO if asked that your employer will file H-1 extenstion for you. Also, you had better apply for advance parole, just in case. If something wrong, then just use AP to come back.