1. 如果在美國境外申請綠卡過程中, 想改成境內申請綠卡, 同時能否file 485, 需不需要cancel 824 申請過程?
-Not have to.
824 form 批準前後, file 485有區別嗎?
-No. If NVC contact you for the processing for immigrant visa applicaiton, just repsond to NVC that you will fine I-485 within US, and ask NVC to stop processing your case there.
2.如果在境外申請綠卡過程中, pending. 還能申請h-1b 入境嗎?
h-1b 容不容易批準?與824批準前後有區別嗎?
-Not different.
3. 在境外申請綠卡過程中, 可以往返加拿大和美國嗎?比如短暫探親
-Case by case, normally it is OK as long as you convince the IO you will returnt to Canada after short visit.
4. 加拿大公民可以申請b2 簽證嗎?是在美境內or 加拿大境外申請? 據我所知, 加拿大公民可以憑護照出入美加邊境
-Just use the passport to enter US, no visa is required.