因為不熟悉回美證,網上搜搜發現說法不一,很多說法是綠卡持有人呆在美國以外 超過6個月就需要申請回美證,下次再進入美國就不受刁難或者被拒入美國。
What if I must leave the United States before I can file a
Form I-131 for a reentry permit?
You do not need a reentry permit if you will be outside the United
States for less than 1 year. If you have been outside the United
States for less than 1 year, you may use your Permanent Resident
Card (Form I-551) as your travel document.
如果按照這樣的說法,我隻要不離開美國一年, 我都可以拿綠卡進入美國而不需要回美證,但是又怕美國海關拒絕。
-If you just occasionally stay in China for > 6 months < 1 year, then it is fine to use green card. But if you go back and forth between China and US too often, or often stay in China for longer time, then you ahd better use Reeentry permit.
因為我的家人要後年9月來美國定居學習,是不是我保持明年9月份之前來美國1次, 9月後來美國一次 這樣就不需要申請回美證了?
有人也告訴我說 美國海關執行這個政策不是很清晰,執法人員的隨意性比較大。