請問8老師,我現在持臨時綠卡,春節來美國一個月,想把回美證辦下來, 請問一個月的時間能否完成打指模?
-Probably no.
-You may request expedited processing for biometrics appointment. Just see the follwoing (you can also find the information in I-131 Instructions) at:
Q. What are the procedures for requesting an expedited adjudication of Form I-131?
A. If applicants require expedited processing, the instructions provide specific information for submitting pre-paid express mailers with the Form I-131 for USCIS to send the applicant his or her receipt and ASC appointment notice, as well as the completed re-entry permit or refugee travel document, if approved. A request for expedited processing should contain the applicant’s reasons for such processing so that USCIS may determine whether the applicant qualifies for expedited processing.
Read this link for more information:
我看網上說 申請回美證人必須在美國,完成打指模後就可以回國, 回美證可以寄給國內的地址
-If you request that, the reentry permit will be mailed to the US Consulate first, and then Consulate will contact you to get it).
-Right. Then, you can ask someone receive it for you and mail it to you in China.
-Not need lawyer. It is very simple and just follow the I-131 Instructions to file it.
Read this website: