朋友和7歲女兒來美,準備上 ESL,和public elementary 的ESOL課程。
1)移民局規定B1/2不能上學,沒說是公立還是私立,fulltime 還是parttime。有學校說明完全可以上18小時/周以內的非文憑的短期課程。是這樣嗎?
-B-1/B-2 holder can not enrol any course in a school (either public or private).
-No problem for the B-1/B-2 holder to take such training because the provider is not a school.
4)florida 州法律歸:FERPA , 1002.22,florida statutes,and Leon county school board policy 8330 afford parents certain right NOT to release directory information (name , DOB 等) ,any individual , organizations,or other entities not affiliated with the school will be refused. 請問移民局是affiliated with public elemementary school 嗎?