Because you are now over 21, you are no longer be able to file for derivative status as the child of the beneficiary of an approved petition, unless you believe you qualify to apply based upon the Child Status Protection Act (CSPA).
When you refile, and you believe you may qualify under CSPA. to ensure that your I-485 application is accepted and processed as a CSPA application, you would need to create a new first page for your I-485 application, to select ‘h’ and write that you are filing as a derivative beneficiary under CSPA, as shown below (as a derivative beneficiary under CSPA).
我確認過了我的CSPA age is eligible for apply I-485:
DOB: 8/21/1990
Priority date: 5/29/2002
Approval date: 5/30/2009
Visa bulletin current date: 4/3/2015
17 years 7 month 12 days
Again,refresh your memory on my situation:
母親是F4親屬移民過來的綠卡持有者,我本人現在持F1 OPT,以及是母親的derivative beneficiary. 父親還在中國,不會移民來美。