但是當我上網填寫是,第一頁填寫的是Principal Applicant’s Information
然後是 姓, 名,和Email地址,
再然後是Have you already legally immigrated to the U.S.
and no longer need to apply for an immigrant visa?
-Say "No".
我糊塗的是,這些 information 到底是填寫誰的呢?
-It is the beneficiary's.
這裏的 Principal Applicant是誰呢?
-It is the beneficiary (your son?) who will apply for the immigrant visa in the US Consulate outside US. This form is filed by the beneficiary.
我試著打電話給NVC,但是老說線路busy,call them later。隻好再一次請教您。謝謝