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EB1A I140已過,現在人不在美國,在consular processing過程中,申請移民簽證。已經收到NVC的Immigrant Visa Fee Invoice, 上麵我和老婆的名字都在。但是幾個月後會有小寶寶出生,請問孩子出生以後如何把孩子的名字也加到Immigrant Visa Fee Invoice中?

-Depends on when your child is born. If he/she is born before you get the immigration visa, then you need to ask NVC to send you the immigration visa fee invoice for the child, and pay the fee as you do for yourself and your wife, and apply for the immigration visa in the US Consulate in Guangzhou. If the child is born after your wife gets the immigration visa, then the child does not need to get the immigration visa, but just ask the US Consulate to issue the Transportation Letter for him/her to board the air plane when he/she goes to US with your wife and you  (both of you use the immigration visa), thus he/she will be issued the permanent resident status (green card) at the port of entry.


-Birth certificate and passport.


-They will not answer your question about the child  before your child is born.
