8老師,您好。我是j2身份,現在在公司裏找到一份工作, 但是這個公司不給辦H簽,隻能綠卡或者公民身份才能工作。我因為有工卡,所以也沒問題。但是我的工卡2019年過期,如果我想繼續在公司裏工作,我們就得在2019年之前拿到綠卡。請問如何才能比較好的過度到綠卡的身份在公司工作呢?中間可以銜接的上嗎?因為辦綠卡的話,我老公必須換成H簽,但是換成H簽的話,我就沒有工卡了。
-If your spouse changes his status to H-1 and he has an approved I-140, then you need to change your J-2 to H-4 and you can apply for EAD based on H-4 status (H-4 EAD) to work. But your spouse needs to get the J-1 waiver before he applies for H-1 status.