8 老師,你好, 我已經拿到公民5年了, 現在想給父母申請綠卡,有幾個問題請教您
1. 母親已經在美探親,還有4個月到期。可不可以先給母親申請綠卡,以後在給父親申請。會不會影響以後父親的申請?
-It hard to say whether it will affect your father to enter US using B-2 visa. If he can enter US, it is OK to apply for green card after a few months later (had better do it about 3 months later after he enters US).
2. 父母都有10年探親簽證,在辦綠卡期間,母親可以用探親簽證來回出入嗎?
-No. She needs to apply for AP to travel.
3. 母親辦綠卡,是不是先辦130 再辦485?
-Can file both at the same time.
-Follow the I-130 and I-485 Instructions. You also can Google it using key word such as "父母辦綠卡".