
回答: 八老師,又要麻煩問你問題:請幫忙2015-07-29 08:20:44

上次問到H1B 今年LOTTTERY 抽中但被LAID OFF,但是公司留QUOTA 給我,見

後來因為遇到RFE,現在才APPROVED. 我需要TRANSFER H1B,現在我剛找到一個新公司,
1. 因為H1B 剛批, 如果我現在馬上讓律師申請H1B TRANSFER 到新公司,會不會太快了?
-Fine. It is not called H-1 transfer because your status is still F-1 at present. Your new employer can file a new H-1b petition for you to change your F-1 to H-1B, but you do not need to get a new H-1 quote because you can use the H-1B quote you got from the old employer (provide the copy of the H-1 approval notice). Talk to the lawyer.

2. 因為現在找到工作的公司的較小,我擔心H1B TRANSFER 會不會批?
-It should be fine.

如果不批,如果我再找個別的工作,我是否可以再申請H1B TRANSFER?


謝謝8老師的熱心答複.我心裏踏實多了. -請幫忙- 給 請幫忙 發送悄悄話 (0 bytes) () 07/29/2015 postreply 11:21:58
