1. 我綠卡四個月不到要過期,如果申請公民,四個月是肯定拿不下來的,那中間有段時間綠卡作廢了有沒有關係,還是要先申請綠卡保持中間不斷,然後隨時申請公民。
-There is not any law to require you have to renew your expired (or will expire) green card if you have filed or will file N-400 application for US citizenship. But if you will change job or travel internationally, you may need to renew your green card.
2. 我父母B2簽證,我應該在他們入境後再申請公民,還是現在可以申請,
-Any time if you meet the requirements for US citizenship application. It is irrelevant to your parents' travel to US.