我去年給父母申請綠卡,他們沒等到就拿了AP回國去了。前幾個月我父親的綠卡批下來了。但現在我母親的要求麵試。國內情況有變化, 他們又不打算要綠卡。 一兩年之內他們不打算來美。 他們以後如還想來美的話, 這對他們申情簽證有影響嗎?
-Your mother had better write a letter to USCIS to request withdraw the I-485, thus the I-485 denial notice will list the denial reason: the I-485 was abandoned. Thus, it is very useful for her future B-2 visa application.
-If he wants to keep the green card valid, he needs to enter US using the green card, and apply for the reentry permit to stay in China for > one year < two years. Otherwise, he may just abandon the green card in the US Consulate in China, and apply for B-2 visa to enter US.