
回答: eb1b 換工作的問題tracey_ying2015-03-08 12:16:11

老師, 我今年2月初拿到綠卡(eb1b). 我拿到綠卡後,有一個新的工作機會。新的公司希望我可以立刻過去工作。 新公司的律師說原則上我拿到綠卡後可以立刻離職,因為沒有任何係統可以track我。 但是5年後如果我要申請美國公民,有可能我會被要求提供我這麽快離職的理由。如果我不申請公民,隻是10年後renew 綠卡的化,沒有任何問題。 請問他的說辭我可以相信嗎?
-You can work for the new employer and will have no problem in your future US citizenship application.

 我也谘詢了我現在公司的律師,她說最好是等6個月,in good faith什麽的。
-You have already been in good faith because you have worked for the employer/sponsor for a long time. Just like many of us came to US with F-1 visa and had good faith in that we would return to China after we finished our study, but actually we stayed in US and got the green card because no any law limit us to change our mind.

 我想問一下老師的意見。 謝謝。
