8 老師,我的律師正在準備就緒這一兩天就把我的I-485表格寄到移民局。可是我4天以後的3 月7 號必須因工作原因離開美國。律師說遞交I-485表開始到移民局發出accept 以後的receipt 這段時間我人必須是physically 在美國。可是我3月7號必須走,律師已經在用最快速度辦理,可是萬一我真的走了,而receipt還沒發出,這樣會影響或者導致485 不批準。我的律師是這麽說的,想問問您這樣的專家是不是這麽回事。如果會影響485的批準,會影響多嚴重,就差這麽幾天,我也不想等了這麽多年的綠卡排隊就黃了。請您給出出主意,想想辦法。 非 常 感 謝 !!!
-You don't have to get the receipt, but You have to wait for at least 4 working days after you send the I-485 application using overnight Express, and then leave US, i.e. wait for USCIS put your application data into their system before you leave.
Another choice is that you may not file I-485 until you return to US from abroad.
• thank you very much -yingguoguo- ♀ (0 bytes) () 03/03/2015 postreply 11:33:49