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回答: 再次請教8老師高齡媽2015-03-01 17:23:46
多謝8老師的快速回複!糾結了一個周末。我持L2 和SSN -Valid only with DHS authorization. 沒有申請過EAD。在2013年度報稅的1099-MISC(請查看詳細內容中的1到18項中,隻有第七項 Nonemployee compensation金額為734.37,其他的項為空。2014年度1099-MISC隻有第七項為1256.29.
1.我老公的公司正在準備發綠卡EB-1申請。我檢查了I-485的Part 3的18項,都沒有問到是否非法工作過。倒是在G-325A中有問Applicant's employment last five years。1099-MISC中第七項是Nonemployee compensation。

1.1) 2013年教中文的50小時和2014年的96小時,沒有合同和保險等任何福利,算是employment嗎?。
-Any payment job is counted.

1.2) 在G-325A是否應該填寫這個工作經曆?
-You don't need to report it in G-325A because it was just little part-time job.

1.3) 如果填寫了這個工作經曆,會對主申請人我老公的綠卡申請有影響嗎?

2. 我們現在是一起申請,如果對主申請人有影響,正在考慮延遲我的申請。我的I-94五月底到期。
2.1) 非法工作對我綠卡影響大嗎?
-Technically only illegal work > 180 days can affect the I-485, so you may be OK due to your short illegal work . But USCIS may send you RFE and you will need to explain it later. USCIS will check your employment history after you file I-485.

-You had better go to China to get the L-2 visa to reenter US, then file I-485, thus you will have no any problem. Up to you, anyway.

2.2) 如果重新申請L2,在填寫DS160的Were you previously employed時候,是否應該填寫以上教中文的短暫經曆?
-May just say no.

3. 也正在考慮是否可以發I-539來延長合法居留期。I-539的part 4中的g項問Have you, or any other person included in this application, been employed in the United States since last admitted or granted an extension or change of status? Whether the employment was specifically by USCIS.
-Yes, if you indicate it there, your I-539 will be denied.

3.1) 非法工作導致I-539被拒的可能性是否很大?

3.2) 發I-539延居留期和回國重新申請L2比較,那個方案更好?
-Go to China to get the L-2 visa in your case.



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