10幾年前, 我因為與人爭執, 被警察給了一個class c misdemeanor 的ticket, 但法庭判我無罪。中間過程有點無奈。申請綠卡時, 我填拉。現在申請公民。卻無法找到copy. 律師讓我去county court and city court 去找。可都是無記錄。
-It is possible the record was sealed or expunged because it is a small case and 法庭判我無罪. But USCIS will find your record during the background check.
我全是certified copies,
-Provide what you have.
律師有點不相信。我應該如何填申請表? 如實填寫。可我根本記不得細節。如何辦最好?
-Write what you remember and based on the certified copy.