Received email about REF

回答: Reply8632112015-01-10 16:25:07

8老師,您好, 我今天收到關於REF的如下郵件,有幾個問題問一下:

1, 一般幾天我可以收到信?

2, 現在REF一般關於哪方麵的?

3, 我現在可以去e-request to request a copy of the notice?還是等幾天?

4, 我的EAD/AP於03/07/2015到期,但renewal的資料昨天剛寄出,擔心03/07前批不了,有無辦法加快?


Your Case Status: Request for Evidence

On February 3, 2015, we suspended processing of your Form I485, APPLICATION TO REGISTER PERMANENT RESIDENCE OR TO ADJUST STATUS, Receipt Number , because we need more information from you. Your notice explains what we need from you to resume working on your case. We will not take action on your case until we receive the evidence or the deadline to submit it expires. Please follow the instructions in the notice. If you do not receive your request for additional evidence notice by March 5, 2015, please go to to request a copy of the notice. If you move, go to to give us your new mailing address.

A request for evidence is made when an application/petition is lacking required documentation/evidence (initial evidence) or the officer needs more documentation/evidence (additional evidence) to determine an applicant's eligibility for the benefit sought. We may send you a request for evidence at any stage of our review. The request will indicate what evidence or information is needed for us to fully evaluate your application or petition. The notice will explain where to send the evidence and will give the deadline for your response. Your application or petition will be held in suspense during that time. If you receive a request for evidence and have questions about what you need to submit, you may call our National Customer Service Center at 1-800-375-5283 FREE.
