
您一次回答是,我可以把所有的材料列出來,統一做一個Certification by Translator
-You might misunderstand what I said.

另一個回答是,一個中文材料的翻譯後麵,馬上附上一個Certification by Translator。這就會有很多份。
-Right. You need to translate each Chinese document into English, and click the translation page to the original one. not need to list it as separate 一個條目. Then, ask the translator to do "統一做一個Certification by Translator" statement to certify the translation is accurate for all the Chinese documents, and then put this certificate statement on the bottom of the Chinese documents, and  not need to list it as a separate 

 如果是第一個回答,那我這個整體的Certification by Translator應該是不是要在Exhibit目錄中專門做一個條目,如果是,我應該放在那個條目下。
如果我把Certification by Translator放在 EXHIBIT G. General Documentation這個部分,是不是可以。
