8老師,我現在正在填I-131, 其中Part I, 第6項: Class of Admission 不知道如何填寫, 請幫忙解答.
-"Lawful permanent resident".
另外, 因為家屬要在二月下旬離美回國, 怕來不急打指紋, 因為申請Re-Entry Permit要繳: $360 + $85 = $445, 所以擔心申請失敗,白花錢.
另外, 付費的支票是用一張還是兩張?
-One check.
想請您為我出出主意, 是否現在就申請?
-If he/she will return to US within one year, not need to apply for it. Otherwise, yes.
還有就是, 在I-131 的instruction裏麵沒有找到將填好後的FORM及相關材料寄去哪裏, 我們現在San Jose, CA(加州), 您知道要將材料寄到哪裏嗎?
All other Form I-131 Filings, including Re-entry Permits NOTE: If you have already filed Form I-485, include a copy of the I-797C Notice of Action, which shows your Form I-485 was accepted. |
USCIS Phoenix or Dallas Lockbox, based on where you live. See chart below.