我兩個月前給我爸媽遞的綠卡申請(130, 485 和 AP)。 AP這個月批下來了。正好他們國內有事情要處理,必須要待3-4個月。
1. 如果在這期間需要麵試,來不了美國,能reschedule到廣州麵試嗎?
-No. But you can go to the local USCIS Office to reschedule the interview for them.
2. 給父母辦綠卡,需要麵試的可能性有多大?
-Can not tell that because it is case by case.
3. AP一式兩份是什麽意思。
-Bring both copies of AP for the travel and the IO at the port of entry will take one away to keep in the CBP file, and stamp another for your father/mother to reenter US.
4. AP一年內有效,也就是說在明年十一月之前必須回來,對嗎?
-Right. Come back before it expires.
還是甚至更早 (在6/30 之前)就要回來?因為在綠卡的申請過程中及拿到以後, 每年都要在美國半年以上。