
回答: F2轉F1申請已經提交,可以換學校嗎?calmleo2014-11-04 12:38:23

目前F2,一兩個月前拿到學校A的Master admission(春季)。因為時間急迫(轉身份通常2~3個月),10月初把F2轉F1的申請遞交給了USCIS。誰知昨天又拿到了B校的春季Admission,專業排名比A校好很多。兩個學校目前都沒獎,我現在更想去B校,但搞不
如果等身份批下來(即兩個月後)再辦轉學(Transfer),時間好像已經來不及了(B校的transfer 期限是12月初)。
-If your F-1 is approved, you can do F-1 transfer from A to B (you don't have to register any courses in A, but need to report to A and ask A to help you to transfer your F-1 to B. Another choice is that you go to China to get the F-1 visa to come back using the I-20 from B, and then study in B.

-The problem is that if you use I-20 from B for F-2 to F-1 and your F-1 is not approved before the semester begins, you can not study in B (F-2 holder is not allowed to register any courses).

申請材料好像就是I-20變了,其他的材料一樣。那麽是否需要馬上跟A校說我要Transfer到B校,讓他們release 我的I-20,然後再要B校的I-20(B校給國際學生I-20的截止是下周,感覺也來不及了)。著急!

