先感慨一下,我到美國12年了。 當年申請工作簽證,綠卡,孩子簽證,父母探親等等, 各位大蝦就在這論壇默默耕耘,無私奉獻。今天, 因為給媽媽辦移民簽證, 碰到問題,上來一看,各位還在這裏濟世救人!佩服!感謝!
3個關於填寫DS-260 表的問題。
家庭情況簡介:父母在國內,一同來過美國5次,延期過兩次,均在到期前離境。父親從未被拒簽,目前手上任有剛拿到的有效非移民簽證。母親兩年前最後一次中信續簽被拒,再簽又拒。 本人遂加入美國公民,已一年多,現給母親辦移民簽證。
問題 1:Is your spouse immigrating to the U.S. at a later date to join you? 回答No. 行不行。
父親能拿非移民簽證, 不想拿綠卡。
2:Have you ever been refused a U.S. Visa, been refused admission to the United States, or withdrawn your application for admission at the port of entry? 回答: yes. explain: has been refused U. S. Visa twice. 這樣回答對嗎?
-Answer of "Yes" is correct, but "Explain" had better be more specific, like this: The B-2 visa application were denied for twice by the US Consulate due to.... (find the reason from the denial list/form and put it there, e.g. under section 214(b), etc.).
3: Were you previously emplyed? 雖然媽媽已退休二十多年,也當回答yes, 對嗎?