
老板突然通知沒有錢了,一個月後就沒有工作了,是non porfit的H1B,所以失業後立刻就沒有身份了, 打算在這一個月之內提交EB1A,配偶是F1身份。現在的問題是,據說提交了485後,如果被拒絕,F1的身份就無效了,是這樣的嗎?本來我打算先提交綠卡,如果綠卡被拒,然後專為f2的身份,這樣可行嗎,非常感謝
-You had better file I-539 to change your status to F-2 first or go to China to get the F-2 visa to come back. Then, File I-140 for EB1A, not file I-485 until I-140 is approved in case you waste money if I-140 is denied.

If you file I-140 before you change your status to F-2, your F-2 will not be approved.
