
兩年前我因為衝動打老婆(婆媳矛盾引發),我把老婆頭上打了一個包出來,被老婆報警,警察都拍照取證並且把我逮捕了,周六進去的,周一保釋出來,最後定罪為disorderly conduct,當時沒有判坐牢,而是判了2年緩刑,上13節anger management 課,2014年11月底就滿2年緩刑期,這兩年我都尊法守紀,也沒和老婆離婚,家庭還算幸福。不知道最後會被怎麽判。

我辦的EB1A,現在140已經批了, 我想等2年緩刑期結束,案子了結後就遞485。我這種情況,485有希望被通過嗎?我怎麽做能消除犯罪記錄,或者減輕罪名嗎,把對485的影響降到最低嗎?
-Disorderly Conduct is not a crime though it is violation of the law. So, it should not affect your I-485 approval. But you need to tell the truth and provide all the related documents such as the police arrest report and the decision made by the court, etc.

-In some states, Disorderly conduct record is sealed by the court, so the employer normally can not find such record. So, you may ask the court or check the related law in your state whether your record is sealed. Of course, your sealed record (if any) is still can be checked by USCIS/FBI, etc.
