首先按您的回複,正好去掃盲了一下public charge。
Try my previous postdoc supervisors to see whether they can offer me a temporary postdoc position again. In this case, must I work for the new position for sometime? Or I can get the offer letter, then decide not to go there later. Will it be a problem? Can this job be a part time one? Can I work remotely for this role?
用中文問就是,找原來的老板幫忙出一個位置。因為現在是EAD,沒有H1B的最低工資的要求,主要讓老板幫忙給個位置。full time最好。如果不想/能full time,part time的job offer可不可以用對應這個RFE。
-Need to be full-time position and had better use Research Associate as the job title, not postdoc, if possible.
得寸進尺一下,如果隻要offer letter,並不去上班可不可以?
-at leas get the job offer for the RFE response.
thank you
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08/25/2014 postreply