1. 想給父母辦移民, 如果I-130 與I-485 同時遞交的話, 體檢需先做好, 拿到表格後與其它材料 一同寄出, 而不是等移民的通知再做體檢, 對嗎?
-Had better provide all the required documents at the same time, thus the case will be processed fast.
2. 我去年回國時辦了自己的出生公證, 上麵說明了我與父母的親子關係, 還需要戶口本嗎?
-It is not required, but some IO will ask you to provide it later. So, had better prepare it after you file the applications in case they ask you for it later. The 戶口本 needs to include your name and your parents' names.
父母先在美國, 也不方便回國.
• 再次感謝您的幫助!! -changchunteng- ♀ (0 bytes) () 08/13/2014 postreply 11:46:21