幫哥哥申請親屬移民,上個月遞交了補充材料,(離婚證書),剛剛收到移民局的信,說petition批準了,現申請材料被送到NVC 進行Consular Processing。還說,NVC要聯係我哥哥,給他發信。我們突然意識到上個月寄補充材料時忘了順便改一下哥哥的地址,他去年搬家,地址變了。想問現在怎麽跟NVC聯係改哥哥的地址?網上什麽地方可以改嗎?還是要寫信?是我在美國幫他聯係NVC改,還是讓他自己跟NVC聯係改他的地址?
另外,信中還說如果30天內收不到NVC的信,可以給NVC發email,信中給了NVC email地址,想問,還是最好等30天後給NVC發email說沒收到信,
-NVC will contact you only when the priority date (PD) is current, which may take several years. So, it is very normal if you do not receive anything from NVC before the PD is current.
-Do nothing at this point. NVC will contact you for further required documents when the priority date is current. Then, your brother and his family need to complete the immigration visa application form, DS 230, and they just put the new address on the DS-230 and mail to NVC. NVC will forward all the documents to the US Consulate in Guangzhou.