我在美國官方博客(http://blogs.usembassy.gov/philippines/?p=1998)上看到居留期(admitted-until date)是以護照上的章為準:
“The length of stay in the U.S. is determined by a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Immigration Officer. At the port-of-entry, usually an airport, an immigration officer will determine whether or not you will be allowed to enter the U.S. and for how long. The officer will also provide a stamp and will record either an admitted-until date or duration of status (D/S). This notation is the official record of how long you may lawfully stay in the United States.”
請問我們應該以哪個為準:移民官口頭告訴的兩個星期,還是護照上的章和I-94? 如果是以護照上的章的話,我們就有時間給她申請綠卡了。
請教諸位大律師: B2 居留期是以護照上的章和I-94為準嗎?
• 是不是老太太聽錯了?按說移民官自己蓋章自己說話,應該是一致的啊。 -迷糊桃紙- ♀ (0 bytes) () 07/28/2014 postreply 09:45:13