開車12年,頭一回被開罰單,在I-80, 請教

國慶長周末,才出門沒3小時,在賓州I-80上埋伏的警察開了有生以來頭一回罰單,那警察太有經驗,就等在一段很斜的下坡路段,下坡路加上我剛好想超一輛truck,什麽時候上了81邁根本就沒注意,結果警察燈一閃,三下五除二,給我開了張合計$182的ticket:其中還分五類明細: fine$64.50, EMS $10,Surcharge$60,costs$37.50,JCP/ATJ$10, 

雖然單子上明白寫著,允許速度65邁,我的速度81邁,警察還特意和我強調我的超速已經被recorded了,可還是有點小不服氣,自己開車一向守規則,但是高速的確不經常開,更不用說賓州一直上坡下坡的高速了;另外那警察太會蹲點了,找了個大斜坡,似乎專門抓人的;剛好有輛大卡車,bad timing,並行不安全,所以還加速避免和它並行(馬後炮檢討:應該減速避開的嘛),

如果plea not guilty的話,我的罰單上有小字:10天內,
a. plea not guilty by notifying ..in writing, signing..,and by forwarding for collateral an amount equal to the Total Due Plus $8 if the offense is under the Vehicle Code; or if the Total Due is not specified, by forwarding the sum of $50 as collateral for your appearance at trial.

b. Plead not guilty by appearing before teh proper Magisterial District Judge and posting such collateral for your appearance as the Judge shall require.

c. Appear before the proper Magisterial District Judge to enter a plea if you cannot afford to pay the Total Due or the $50 collateral.

我決定plea not guilty, 那我現在要簽字寄出條子就好,等對方發來出庭通知,還是要寄出簽字的條子加上附上$182+$8的支票?法律條文看著實在頭疼,理解無能。
