需要填他們的父母信息,也就是我的祖父母信息。city and country of residence: 過世的老人是不是不填這一項即可?
-Put "Deceased" there.
Applicant's residence last five years: 父母每年有6個月住在我這裏。那麽我的地址和他們國內的地址是不是都要填? 看過這個壇的相似問題和老師的回答。6個月正好是個界限。象我父母這樣停留正好6個月的(e.g. 03/02-09/01)究竟要不要把探親停留地當成residence?
-Had you claimed them as the dependents for tax return filing? If yes, then report the address in G-325A. Otherwise, not report it.
-Had you claimed them as the dependents for tax return filing? If yes, then report the address in G-325A. Otherwise, not report it.
Applicant's last address outside the US of more than a year: 和前麵的問題有關。該填國內的地址before their last entry or before their fist visit to the US? 而且如何填from date/to date? 如果美國的地址不能作為他們的residence, 美國外的地址to date 該填 present time 嗎?