回複:皮老師,八老師,請問H1b end date 問題

回答: 皮老師,八老師,請問H1b end date 問題kidoGo2014-06-04 11:38:10
我老板給我辦了h1b amendment因為我工作要換,可是我h1b是2010年10月1號開始的,6年結束時間是2016年9月30號。新地點工作是2014/7/1號,lca也是2014/7/1號到2017/7/1號, lca已經certified了。剛剛問律師,她這麽說的:

actually eligible for more than six years in H-1B status since her labor certification was filed before her 5th year anniversary in H-1B status. Thus, we are asking that her status be extended until July 2017 . 

可是我的perm是今年1月份提交的,這個可以嗎 ?不是要pending 365天或者approve了才可以有1年的extension嗎?
-I don't agree with the lawyer, but it does not matter. USCIS will make a decision, anyway.

