回複:回複:緊急求助8老師,皮老師母親485 RFE 信上的一些問題

今天收到母親485的 RFE 信,有幾個問題懇請8老師,皮老師指導:

“Please complete the enclosed affidavit except for your signature and date. Make an

INFOPASS appointment with the USCIS San Francisco Field Office information unit. At your

appointment, you and the office will sign and date the affidavit. Please submit the

complete affidavit.“

8老師,皮老師是否見過類似情況? 問題是移民局的來信並沒有 enclose 任何 affidavit 表格阿。 是他們遺漏了嗎? 碰到這種情況該如何處理?該去移民局問嗎?找誰去問? 好像沒有預約的話連門都進不去。我在網上是否可以自己下載那個 affidavit 表格? 但信中並沒有說明是哪個 affidavit 表格阿。 I-864, Affidavit of Support 我已經提交了。
-Just download a new I-864 and complete it. Then, go to the local USCIS Office to get the IO's signature as the RFE requested (show the RFE notice to the IO in the local Office).

-- 謝謝8老師的鼎力相助. 我已經提交了已經簽了名的I-864. 估計不作數, 一定要當場簽名才能作數.

是不是要我再填寫 I-134 啊?
-- 謝謝


”Please submit police clearances for the previous five years from all places where you
have resided.”
母親來美已有8個月。 我是否要去一次當地警察局去幫母親開一個無犯罪記錄證明?
-Yes. She had better also provide the Non-criminal Record Certificate from China. It seems her fingerprinting failed, right?
-- 她來美時我已經"未雨綢繆"讓她辦了國內的無犯罪公證, 正好可以派上用場. 現在還得去一次美國當地警察局去幫母親開一個最近的無犯罪記錄證明. 您說得真對, 我覺得是她手印的問題. 年紀大了手印不清楚, 讓她去按了兩次手印,說再看不清楚的話得去警察局開報告. 果然來了.
